Tried & tested
In my last post I mentioned some of the core tools a graphic designer uses when designing government services. This post will go into more detail about typography – probably the most utilised of those tools. The typeface we use for …
GOV.UK frontend styles include loads of small, elegant details that make them worth including in your service – even if it looks nothing like GOV.UK. I even use them in my personal website.
I recently gave a graphic design workshop as part of a wider 3 day course given to cross-government designers. The designers on the course found it helpful so I have decided to write a series of blog posts based on …
If you’re designing a service and one of the design patterns in the Service Manual isn’t working, you can change it! Here’s how: Get your user research findings together Tell us about your findings on the Design Patterns Hackpad Make …
Yesterday we updated our guidance on how to design form content for services on GOV.UK. In the previous version we’d discussed the relative merits of three approaches: one question per page all questions on a single page single page, but previous questions are collapsed …
To a user, a service is simple. It’s something that helps them to do something - like learn to drive, buy a house, or become a childminder. It’s an activity that needs to be done. A verb that comes naturally …
...a webpage. If I bump into a student carrying a portfolio of chalk drawings and they ask, should I learn to code, I'll reply yes. If nothing else they will...
At the Government Digital Service, we do a lot of prototyping of our ideas. This is to discuss ideas more clearly amongst the team, and to test the ideas with real people. Here are some thoughts on prototyping from people …
We frequently get enquiries and requests about using the GOV.UK typeface (a variant of New Transport called GDS Transport) on other websites. For licensing reasons we have to be quite strict about what can use the typeface. The GDS Transport …
The Insolvency Service are looking for an interaction designer to help with this and other services. They say, "We are building a multi disciplinary team who will create and run...