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Martin Jordan – former Head of Service Design, GDS

Martin Jordan worked as Head of Service Design at the Government Digital Service and UK Cabinet Office. He helped the government improve its services and increase service design capability. He was also the service owner for the GOV.UK Service Manual and Service Standard.

Now, Martin is working as Head of Design in the German government’s Digital Service. Follow Martin on Twitter.

The International Design in Government community is 5 years old!

Multiple stickers on a laptop computer, the one in focus says: International design in government

...around the world to support them on their digital transformation agendas, taking a peer to peer approach and learning valuable insights that also help GDS progress. The team, along with...

Moving from the private to the public sector as a designer

A group of young people of different ethnicity at a GDS career event

Many designers in government either began, or have had extensive careers, in the private sector before joining the Civil Service. In this blog post, they share some of the differences they observed.

How to create a portfolio to apply for a design role in government

A laptop computer on a wooden desk, its screen shows the title page of a design portfolio

What should a portfolio look like when applying for a design role in government? Whatever your experience level, in this post you’ll find advice on how to shape a good portfolio, what is expected of you and why having and updating a portfolio is important.

How designers across government are working remotely

A visual representation of many connected nodes on a computer screen, most of them grouped together in one of five coloured clusters, a headline above the map reads: ‘Prison leavers communities and relationships’

...actively engaging them in a systems-mapping process. We lacked experience in timing remote workshops. We had carefully planned the agenda using the pomodoro technique: 25 minute chunks of activity with...

User-centred design in local government: where it’s at

Announcement graphic for Local #govdesign Day on 25 November 2019 at Birmingham Council House from 11 to 5 o’clock; supported by Birmingham City Council

...a day for celebrating achievements, exchanging experiences and identifying new ways of working together. Local #govdesign Day is for welcoming the designers and design-minded public servants working in local government...