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Kara Kane - Head of Profession for Design, GDS

User-centred design in local government: where it’s at

Announcement graphic for Local #govdesign Day on 25 November 2019 at Birmingham Council House from 11 to 5 o’clock; supported by Birmingham City Council

...deeper into the application of service patterns for local government services. Since then, the team has published a prototype of a pattern library for common service patterns across council services....

International Design in Government events are going global

Three posters promoting each location of the International Design in Government Conference. They are almost identical, featuring the conference logo which is a sphere with the words 'International Design in Government" around the circumference, but the backgrounds are different colours - red, white and blue - and feature the logo or name of the organisation running the event

...on 3 events, which will take place around the world. Here’s what we’re doing and how you can get involved. Partnering for global events The International Design in Government Community...

What we learned from running the first International Design in Government Conference

Chris Govias on stage in front of a room full of people experience(s) from the design community. At times you can feel you are standing all alone with your challenges but here we (are) transparently sharing between each other.' Those who...

We’re planning an International Design in Government conference

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A panel of speakers in front of an audience

...GDPR, the EU web accessibility directive, EU Digital Single Gateway regulation, service transformation and design capability building. The conference will also help to meet the Government Transformation Strategy priority to...