Likely to change
At the Rural Payments Agency, we’ve been thinking about how to design services that work well for both new and regular users. The users of the Rural Payments service fall into 2 broad groups: Farmers use the service each year …
I'm in Swansea today, going to observe some user research. Amy, Lou, Kush and others have been working in Swansea with DVLA on a service design project. In this picture Amy is making a few changes to the prototype. Out of shot …
Yesterday we updated our guidance on using the GOV.UK headers and footers. There are teams all over the UK developing services for the government. We're often asked by those teams whether or not their services should look like GOV.UK, what should go in …
Yesterday we published some new design guides in the Government Service Design Manual. GOV.UK elements There's a new guide to styling and coding the basic page elements, with sections on layout, colour, typography, forms, buttons, data, images and icons. This …
...thought it was better to stick them up here so we have a url to point to. Designers awaiting links. Useful links for new designers The principles on which...
GOV.UK is constantly being iterated and updated and sometimes we need to draw users’ (including departments and agencies) attention to this. We do it by saying something is in 'beta'. Of course, the way we show that something is in …
Desktop thoughts Use GOV.UK brand colour to highlight information. Preserve green for success outcomes of services. Remove related links that dominate page as before. Only two links, now quieter but still prominent. They are of secondary importance, so experimenting with …
At the start of this year a few of us started working on two new guides for the Government Service Design Manual. They're aimed at designers, researchers and front-end developers who are building services for GOV.UK. Design style guide The …
Some recent work on rethinking the travel advice pages. Hoping to work these into some user testing in the coming week/s. One of the bigger questions is around mapping. FCO use cartographers who manually draw the maps and affected regions …
I’m helping to redesign the foreign travel advice content on GOV.UK. When it moved over from the Foreign Commonwealth Office we used a format we already had. Over time we’ve realised this format doesn’t perform as well as it should, …