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The International Design in Government community is 5 years old!

Multiple stickers on a laptop computer, the one in focus says: International design in government

...around the world to support them on their digital transformation agendas, taking a peer to peer approach and learning valuable insights that also help GDS progress. The team, along with...

Moving from the private to the public sector as a designer

A group of young people of different ethnicity at a GDS career event

Many designers in government either began, or have had extensive careers, in the private sector before joining the Civil Service. In this blog post, they share some of the differences they observed.

What the user-centred design communities team achieved

Design trainer Clara Greo in conversation with people attending training

...50 attendees “Service design in practice” was run 6 times with about 90 attendees “Cross-government peer critique day” was run approximately 10 times with about 100 attendees “User research ethics...

Take part in “Get Feedback” — weekly remote design crits

5 people taking part in the first Get Feedback remote session on Google Meet

...Feedback sessions are designed to help people who work on service design, interaction design, graphic design, content design and tech writing work to get feedback from colleagues across government and...

Reflections on the user-centred design communities team

A sheet of colourful circular stickers all saying: Communities are the glue! Communities are fluid and always changing based on the members that come and go. Communities exist and flourish because of community members—people get involved in communities related to their...

Starting as a designer in government when you’re working from home

5 of GDS’s new designers meeting virtually in a video call

GDS’s design team grew since moving to remote working in March. For the new designers, it meant having a different start. In this blog post, 5 of them share their experiences, what it was like and what was challenging.

Designers assemble! The cross-government buddy group pilot

A design buddy group session in action with a laptop computer standing in the background and a teacup saying GOV in the foreground

...meeting, it’s still of value. We’ve also ensured that we have a support structure in place for safeguarding measures. We want members to feel comfortable in their groups but to...