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Coming together for international events and active collaboration

Three framed posters for the Helsinki Conference 2024 in a corridor – one showing the logo of the International Design in Government community, one saying ‘Systems change and futures’ and one containing a mission statement: “We want to bridge the gap between the practice of designing services and policies in government and the ideas of systems change and futures.”

The International Design in Government community is getting together in person this year for workshops and a conference in Helsinki in October.

Co-creating the most complete overview of international design in government work

An image of the conference in action on a laptop, there is an international community poster in the background. Kara, Martin, and Clara Greo are seen at the side of the screen presenting during the welcome kick off to the conference.

The International Design in Government ran the first ever 24-hour conference showcasing global public sector service transformation. Find out what the community is up to next!

How the International Design in Government community is coming together again

A group of 4 people with microphones and lanyards are sitting on stools, discussing. 4 more people who look at them sit behind them. There is a wall with graphical applications of logos of ‘Creative Bureaucracy Festival’. All people have lighter skin tones.

The International Design in Government continues to grow and convene — and we’re bigger than ever before. We have over 3,500 members on Slack and regularly have 40 to 50 people joining our calls. The last time we blogged, we …

The International Design in Government community is 5 years old!

Multiple stickers on a laptop computer, the one in focus says: International design in government

As the International Design in Government community turns 5, we look back on what has happened in the last few years and how it continues to evolve.

International Design in Government community autumn update

Mari Nakano, Design Director at the NYC Mayor's Office for Economic Opportunity, presenting in front of a group of people at the International Design in Government Day in Oakland; a poster behind her reads: “The future of government is better design”; the speaker smiles and members of the audience take pictures with their smartphones

Over the summer, the growing International Design in Government community gathered at a few events. In autumn, there will be 2 more events in Europe. In this post, we share what members of community can expect next.

International Design in Government events this summer

A poster promoting the International Design in Government Day. It contains a quote from Lou Downe: “The future of government transformation is better design”. The poster also contains the logo of the organisers – Code for America and the International Design in Government community – and the date of the event: 29 May 2019 calls. In April, we discussed the topic of identity, data, and personalisation with Estonia’s Head of State Portal and GOV.UK’s lead content designer Paola Roccuzzo and product manager Steven...

International Design in Government events are going global

Three posters promoting each location of the International Design in Government Conference. They are almost identical, featuring the conference logo which is a sphere with the words 'International Design in Government" around the circumference, but the backgrounds are different colours - red, white and blue - and feature the logo or name of the organisation running the event

After the success of our London conference last year, we’re helping to run 3 events around the world to help bring more designers together to build better government services. Find out where we’re going to be and how you can take part.

What we learned from running the first International Design in Government Conference

Chris Govias on stage in front of a room full of people do training and coaching in user-centred design, so we’ll share resources and best practice. Branding matters! Developing a visual identity for a community and its events is important to...